RUN News for November 2019 - Thank you for Joining us in the Fall Regional Convenings!
- Help Us Choose the RUN 2020 Policy Priorities!
- Meet LA's New RUN Organizer
- Join us in Welcoming Housing California's New Fellow
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Thank you for Joining us in the Fall Regional Convenings! Partners across the state worked with us to plan convenings that took place in the months of September through November. The gatherings were held in San Diego, Los Angeles, the Bay Area, Sacramento, San Joaquin Valley, Orange County, and the Inland Empire. We are especially proud of Orange County and the Inland Empire for holding their first convenings. We love to see the RUN membership diversify and reflect a more complete picture of the experiences of Californians across the state. More than 150 new and returning RUN members joined us to participate and learn about RUN's “Plan to Win” in 2020 and made calls to elected officials from their regions who voted in favor of SB 329 to thank them for their support. Participants also kicked off the RUN policy priority selection process, known as There Ought to Be a Law. We hope that you can join us at the next regional convenings in February of 2020. | |
Help Us Choose the RUN 2020 Policy Priorities! There Ought To be a Law (TOTBAL) is the RUN policy priority selection process that begins during the Fall regional convenings. During the convenings, participants shared over 180 policy ideas related to issues that they see in their communities. These ideas were prioritized through a voting process. We have narrowed the ideas to the most popular and compiled them into a survey. We would love for more RUN members to engage in TOTBAL and let us know what policy priorities you want to see RUN support in 2020. Please CLICK HERE to complete the survey and help us decide RUN’s policy priorities for 2020! | |
Meet LA's New RUN Organizer Christopher Nikhil Bowen has served as the Public Policy Organizer for the Southern California Association of Non Profit Housing (SCANPH) since October 2019. In this capacity he is building power as the Los Angeles Residents United Network (RUN) convener. Other projects that he will work on include 2020 Census outreach and advocating for affordable housing policies with elected officials and other key stakeholders. Chris has been engaged in advocacy efforts related to housing, development, and higher education in California for nearly a decade as a legislative fellow, lobbyist, political consultant, and communications deputy. He currently resides with his husband Danny and their two dogs in West Hollywood where they can often be found heading to Dodger games, the beach, or enjoying their urban village community. | | | |
Join us in Welcoming Housing California's New Fellow Christian is a recent graduate from the University of California, Riverside, where he obtained a bachelor's degree in Economics. While in college, he was involved in various student organizations on campus including one that provided food and hygiene items to the homeless in Riverside. As a Housing California fellow, he is currently working to expand the Residents United Network in the Inland Empire by doing outreach in communities with affordable housing. Just recently, he helped lead his first regional convening in the Coachella Valley. “Housing is such a foundational aspect of an individual’s life. It can enable an individual's economic and educational prosperity.” | | | |