RUN News for September 2018

  • RUN Priority Bills Final Update for 2018
  • RUN Members Convene
  • A Deeper Dive into California's Homelessness Crisis
  • New Census Poverty Figures
  • Prop 1 & 2
  • Prop 10
  • Calendar: Props 1 & 2 Speakers Bureau, Leadership Training, Sacramento Housing Summit

RUN Priority Bills Final Update

#Shelterfromtherain Twitterstorm was a Success! Within hours of the coordinated twitterstorm on September 5th, Governor Brown felt the pressure and signed AB2343 into law.

AB 2343 (Eviction Timelines) - Signed. This bill will ensures that tenants have more time to respond to eviction proceedings and corrects an imbalance in the tenant notice and eviction process. Assembly member Chiu's press release!

AB 2219 (3rd Party Rent Discrimination) - Signed. Thanks to the support of many advocates, including RUN's own Andrea Noble, AB2219 will ensure renters can stay in their homes if they have a qualified third-party ready to pay their rent. Read more about it in Assemblymember Ting's press release.

SB 1010 (Supportive Housing for Mentally Ill Parolees) - Died.  Even though SB1010 died in the Assembly Appropriations Committee, we will not give up on formerly incarcerated people with mental illnesses. We know EVERYONE deserves a home! Look for this idea to come up again next year.


RUN Members Convene Across the State

September was a busy month for RUN. Members met in five key regions in the state. Meetings took place in Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Jose, San Joaquin Valley and San Diego. Stakeholders met to discuss the successes of 2018 and began to look forward into the 2019 legislative session. They shared ideas of how their communities can be supported through affordable housing and about the priority needs in their communities. They also learned how they can get involved in advocating for affordable housing and continue their engagement with RUN.

Attendees at the September 6th RUN Regional meeting in Los Angeles

A deeper dive into California's housing and homelessness crisis

By Victoria Cabales | CALmatters

More than 134,000 Californians now face homelessness on any given night. Recent research conducted at UCLA found that there is a correlation between high cost of living and homelessness rates. As rents continue to rise, millions of low-income Californians struggle to meet ends meet, and many live on the edge of homelessness.

Click here to see the full report. Also, look out for the section where Miriam Rodriguez, a longtime RUN Member and supporter, was featured. 

Miriam Rodriguez, RUN member of San Diego speaking at the Housing California Annual conference in March of 2018

New Census Poverty Figures

The US Census Bureau last week released new national, state-level, and local figures on poverty, income and earnings, health coverage, and other important topics. According to Census data, well over 7 million Californians live in poverty, and California has one of the highest poverty rates of all 50 states. As discussed in our initial analysis, these new Census figures underscore the importance of strengthening and protecting public supports and services that help individuals and families to make ends meet.

To explore what these figures mean for our state join a Twitter chat hosted by The California Budget & Policy Center this Thursday 

When: Thursday, September 20, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. PT 

Hosted By: @CalBudgetCenter

Hashtag: #CutPovertyCA


2019 Housing California Annual Conference 40th Anniversary Logo Design Contest

2019 marks Housing California's 40-year anniversary of the largest conference in the country on affordable homes and homelessness. We ask conference participants to use this milestone year to envision a California in which everyone has a stable, affordable home in a healthy, vibrant, and prosperous community; and shape our future to help meet that shared goal.

What does the future California you want to see look like? How do we get there? Think about these questions and show us your answers through a logo design for the Annual Conference! Write, draw, paint, photograph -- get creative. The winning logo should welcome and inspire conference participants as they come together to answer these same questions.

Official Rules, How to Enter, and Entry Form Here.


We need BOTH Props 1 and 2

Let’s Tackle California’s Two Biggest Challenges - Housing & Homelessness

At the top of the ballot this November, Californians will have not one but two statewide propositions meant to tackle the biggest challenges the state faces: housing and homelessness. Prop 1 will build and provide affordable housing for veterans, working families, people with disabilities and seniors, while Prop 2 focuses on people suffering from a serious mental illness who are experiencing homelessness.

We need your help!

RUN is asking all members to share information about Props 1 and 2 with your family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues to gear up for Get Out the Vote. To help veterans, families and other Californians hit hard by the housing and homelessness crises, we all need to work together these final months before Election Day, and pass both Props 1 and 2.

Thank you for supporting RUN and the #Prop1Team and #Prop2Team. Learn more at


We need Prop 10 too

The Residents United Network supports the Yes on Prop 10 campaign and we need your help to ensure local communities can have the power back to choose a rent control policy to fight displacement and homelessness! Endorse here and share with your networks!


RUN Events Calendar

RUN Leadership Trainings

ZOOM Training - September 21 at 12:30pm  
Learn how to use the ZOOM Meeting program to have a video meeting with RUN members across the state!

Why RUN? - September 28 at 12:30pm
Learn the history of housing inequality and how movements of the people are the only way to turn the tide in favor in favor of low-income Americans. This is why we RUN!

Props 1 and 2 Speakers Bureau

This November, we have the opportunity to take action on our housing and homeless crisis by voting YES on the statewide Prop 1 and Prop 2. But we need your help reaching community members about these critical opportunities to re-invest in our communities and affordable housing.  Join the NPH Speakers Bureau to serve as an official spokesperson on behalf of affordable housing at the ballot. NPH is offering message trainings around the Bay Area to individuals interested in presenting at public events, community meetings, panels, press work, and more. At our trainings, you can:

  • Learn about public speaking engagements and opportunities available in your area for statewide Prop 1 and Prop 2 and local dedicated revenue measures in your area.

  • Receive message training, including poll-based language, message guidance, how to discuss multiple affordable housing measures at one time, and an opportunity to practice answering “tough questions.”

  • Become an official Speakers Bureau graduate, eligible to be selected for public events, community meetings, and media interviews.

Speakers Bureau trainings will be held in the East Bay, North Bay, South Bay, and San Francisco. Pick your location and date here.

Sacramento Housing Alliance - Regional Affordable Housing Summit

Sacramento Housing Alliance’s fourth annual Regional Affordable Housing Summit will bring together more than 350 affordable housing developers; builders; architects; lenders; property managers; service providers; elected and agency officials and staff; community and business leaders to share innovative solutions to our regional housing and homelessness crisis. This year's event will be from 8AM-6PM on Monday October 15th at the Sheraton Grand in Downtown Sacramento. Don’t miss early registration ending Saturday - register now!


In Solidarity,

Constance Slider-Pierre

Residents United Network
1107 9th Street, Suite 560
Sacramento, California 95814

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