Dear RUN,

We’ve held eight of our 10 fall regional convenings with RUN members across California! Here’s Patricia Hernandez, a resident of affordable housing in Stockton, speaking in Spanish about her experiences and why she fights for others to get a safe place to live, alongside Eusevio Ortega, the RUN regional organizing coordinator for Stockton.

If you haven’t yet shared your voice at a regional convening, you can join us for two more this week, especially if you live in affordable housing, you are a renter, or you have been homeless at any point. The goal of these meetings is to get ideas for what RUN should fight for in 2022 directly from people who have dealt with housing insecurity.

9/29: Inland Empire, virtual in English and Spanish

9/30: Bay Area, virtual in English

Did you attend a convening already? Hooray! Here are three next steps:

  1. Join us for a Wednesday Community Care call from 1-2pm, where you can meet other RUN members from different regions of the state, learn more about housing justice, and take action. (Use this Zoom link or call in at 669 900 6833, meeting ID 977 6290 7497.)
  2. Look out for the RUN online survey, coming in October, so that you can vote for your favorite of the most popular ideas from September’s regional convenings.
  3. Register for the RUN Summit, November 2-4, where RUN leaders will meet up virtually and hash out what our priorities should be, based on what everyone voted for in the survey. Register here before October 7. It’s free, but know that we have limited space. That means allies should join us at a different time. Among RUN leaders, we will prioritize people who have attended regional convenings and Community Care calls this year.

We can’t wait to see you for the first time or the 500th!


Take good care,



  • Did you attend a RUN regional this month? Join us this Wednesday from 1-2pm for our weekly Community Care call, an hour of connection and information as we work towards statewide housing justice. Learn more about what we do and check in with your fellow RUN members in different parts of California. Use this Zoom link or call in at 669 900 6833, meeting ID 977 6290 7497.


  • In Berlin, Germany, voters approved by 57% a plan for the city to take 200,000 units of housing from corporate landlords and turn them into social housing. It still needs a vote in the legislature to become law, but voters clearly want a different system.

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