Dear RUN,

Last week marked the first two of 10 RUN regional convenings across the state, kicking off in South Sacramento at Greenway, a Mutual Housing development. Longtime leaders joined brand-new newbies to share their ideas for what should be a law to make sure everyone in California has a roof over their head.

Then we did it again on Friday over in Davis at Tremont Green, where we had excellent help from an elementary-school note taker and there were plenty of popsicles to go around.

If you haven’t registered for a regional convening yet, it’s not too late! Last year RUN leaders came up with 224 ideas for what should be a housing law in California - no doubt we’ll have even more this year.

Register right now for the regional convening closest to you!

9/21: San Diego, virtual in English with Spanish interpretation

9/21: North Highlands / Sacramento, outside in person in English with Spanish interpretation

9/23: Stockton, outside in person in English and Spanish

9/23: North Sacramento, outside in person in English with Spanish interpretation

9/23: LA/Ventura, virtual in English with Spanish interpretation

9/29: Inland Empire, virtual in English and Spanish

9/30: Bay Area, virtual in English


Take good care,



  • Did you attend a RUN regional this month? Join us this Wednesday from 1-2pm for our weekly Community Care call, an hour of connection and information as we work towards statewide housing justice. Learn more about what we do and check in with your fellow RUN members in different parts of California. Use this Zoom link or call in at 669 900 6833, meeting ID 977 6290 7497.



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