RUN News for June 2018


  • Our Bills are Still Alive
  • Veterans and Affordable Housing Act
  • RUNers in Action
  • Latest Housing-Wage Gap Data Reveals Greater Need for Affordable Homes
  • RUN Events Calendar: New Trainings and Regional Meetings

Our Bills are Still Alive!

For those of you who have been through a few legislative cycles with RUN, you know that by this time of the year our bills can already be dead in the water. Not this year! A big thank you to everyone who helped with the targeted calls and in-district visits we did to help push our bills through.

Here is the status of each of our priority bills:

AB 2219 (3rd Party Rent Discrimination) - On the Senate floor! If passed, this bill heads to the Governor's desk for signature.

AB 2343 (Eviction Timelines) - Passed Assembly after significant amendments to decrease the scope of the bill. Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee. Hearing date set for July 3rd. Prognosis is good to get out of committee!

SB 1010 (Supportive Housing for Mentally Ill Parolees) - Passed Senate and now in Assembly Appropriations Committee.

RUN Lobby Day participants meet with Senator Jim Beall. Photo by Alex Matthews.


Learn about the Veterans and Affordable Housing Act on the Nov. Ballot

The Veterans and Affordable Housing Act just launched a revamped website that includes an FAQ page, a news section with updates, and a 'Get Involved' action hub with a toolkit of social media graphics, multiple fact sheets, and information on how to formally endorse the campaign.

  • ENDORSE. You can endorse the bond as an individual and ask your local elected officials to endorse, too!
  • STAY INFORMED. Sign up for updates, follow on social media, and receive the latest news on the campaign.

RUNers in Action

On June 13, RUN members had the opportunity to meet with Senator Joel Anderson's Chief of Staff, Aaron Andrews. Maria, Adriana and Mehrsa spoke about RUN legislative priorities and how they would impact affordable housing residents.


Housing-Wage Gap Data Reveals Greater Need for Affordable Homes

The National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) released its Out of Reach 2018 Report, which documents the gap between wages and the cost of rental housing across the country. According to the report, to afford a modest two-bedroom apartment in California, renters need to earn a wage of $32.68/hour, which is $21 higher than the state minimum wage. The report, which breaks down housing-wage data by state, metropolitan area and county, points out that in no jurisdiction can a worker earning the federal minimum wage or prevailing state minimum wage afford a two-bedroom rental home at fair market rent by working a standard 40-hour week. Out of Reach 2018 also explains a renter earning the federal minimum wage would need to work 99 hours per week to afford a one-bedroom rental home at the national average Fair Market Rent and 122 hours per week – that is, three full-time jobs – to afford a two-bedroom. The data further solidifies that market-rate housing is far too expensive for Californians making modest incomes, which includes some of our state's most common and most vital jobs -- farmworkers and laborers, childcare workers, and food service workers.

RUN Events Calendar

June 29 – Elections: Building a Volunteer Team
Let’s take our elections work to the next level by involving friends and neighbors! Register here.

July 13 – PDI Training for Regional Organizations
Do you need a refresher using PDI? Want to know how to look up a list of voters in a particular development? Join us to train and troubleshoot!

July 20 – How to RUN an Effective Meeting
Learn how to make sure every meeting you lead or attend is efficient and effective. 

July 27 – RUN Power Hours
Do you want to become a rock star ambassador for RUN? Learn how to spread the word through the RUN Power Hour and take the message about affordable housing to residents in your local community!

Save the Dates! Coming in September - RUN Regional Meetings:
9/5 San Diego
9/6 Los Angeles
9/15 San Joaquin Valley

Don't forget to Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter to get updates on events and news!

In Solidarity,

Constance Slider-Pierre

Residents United Network
1107 9th Street, Suite 560
Sacramento, California 95814

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