Dear RUN, One of our two bills for 2021, AB 71, is up for its first committee hearing next Monday, April 19. The hearing starts at 2:30pm, and we expect our bill to be heard sometime in the 4pm hour, though it could be earlier. We don’t have a phone number to call into the hearing yet, but we will get that information to you as soon as we have it. What we do know: we need everyone to call into this hearing. That means you, your roommate, your next-door neighbor, and that RUN member you haven’t seen in a few months. We’ll prepare everyone on our Wednesday Community Care call, and then we’ll all call in, in English and Spanish, to make sure the legislators on the Revenue and Tax Committee know how important it is to vote yes on a permanent source of funding for homeless housing and services. AND you can still call legislators on the committee to ask them to support AB 71. If you click this link, it will help you call. Call your legislator now and tell them to support AB 71! » Because we know that hundreds of thousands of Californians face housing instability or are experiencing homelessness - and together, we can change that. Take good care, Tori |
- We’re back with a Community Care call this week! Here’s the link, and you can also dial in at 669 900 6833, meeting ID 977 6290 7497.
- What would it take to end homelessness in California? Lisa Hershey of Housing California ran through the details in an article for Fast Company magazine.