Dear RUN,

Two big pieces of news for you: tomorrow, Housing California and its partners will launch the first stage of the Roadmap Home 2030, which you’ve heard bits about since our conference in August; and it does appear that California has a deal to extend eviction protections for renters and provide rent and debt relief.

We’re still gathering info on the eviction deal, because it is not simple at all, and it hasn’t quite passed yet. Join us on Wednesday’s Community Care call at 1pm to hear more, once we know more about what’s happening.

Also on Wednesday, you’ll get a chance to learn more about the Roadmap, think through how it relates to RUN’s top priorities - they’re all included in the policy recommendations! - and discuss how it could connect to RUN Lobby Days in March. We’ll have tons of information about the Roadmap available tomorrow, including the 12 policies legislators can pass this year, on the special Roadmap website. Check it out tomorrow and hear even more at our Community Care call.

Speaking of Lobby Days, you can get registered for them starting NEXT week, so look out for an email with all the information you need, and then pass it on to your friends!


Take good care, and see you Wednesday,



Connect with RUN

  • Join us to learn more about the eviction deal and the Roadmap Home 2030 on Wednesday’s Community Care call at 1pm. Here’s the Zoom link, and here’s the number to call in from your phone: 669 900 6833, Meeting ID: 977 6290 7497.

News you can use

  • Read more about the deal on COVID eviction protections, announced just this morning, in the LA Times.

Email Us

Residents United Network 
