Dear RUN, It’s happening: we’re hosting virtual Lobby Days in March! Usually, a group of us converge on the Capitol, split into teams, pump each other up, and visit as many legislators as we can, all to make sure that elected officials have heard directly from people who live in affordable housing - and they vote for our bills. This year will be a little different. None of us will board a plane to fly to Sacramento. Instead, we’ll do Lobby Day from our living rooms, “visiting” legislators on March 16, 17, and 18. You’ll have the same chance to tell your story and explain why RUN’s priorities are so important to you, just from a computer. You’ll hear much more about what’s coming, and you’ll get links to register and for our prep trainings in English and Spanish soon. For now, block off those dates - a Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday - to make sure you’re free. Then tell all your friends what’s coming, because we want to get them all ready to push for affordable housing for all Californians! Take good care, and see you Wednesday, Tori |
- Hear more about what’s coming up at Lobby Day, and share your opinion about how our meetings should go, at Wednesday’s Community Care call at 1pm. It’s after the inauguration, which takes place in the morning California time, so you’ll be able to do both! Here’s the Zoom link, and here’s the number to call in from your phone: 669 900 6833, Meeting ID: 977 6290 7497.