Dear RUN, Last week, 40 of us on the Community Care call heard updates about what’s happening in the Capitol with RUN’s priorities. This week, we’ll shift our focus to what’s happening with housing on the federal level - because despite the chaos in DC, we know better things are coming. Join us on a call with our partners at Community Change, who support Residents United Network-style groups in four other states, to hear about what we can do to advocate for federal funding for affordable housing and to end homelessness. We’ll learn about the Housing Playbook, a New Deal for Housing Justice, and what all of that means for California. That means our call this Wednesday, January 13 will start early and go from 12pm to 1:30pm. There’s a special link to join, right here, and you can call in at 669 900 6833, Meeting ID 914 0071 8981, passcode vC3jXx. Stay tuned for news about Lobby Day, which will likely be more than one day this year, and will be virtual, and all the trainings we’ll host leading up to that day! Take good care, and see you Wednesday, Tori |
- Join us on Wednesday, Jan. 13 for a call with Community Change from 12-1:30pm here, or you can call in at 669 900 6833, Meeting ID 914 0071 8981, passcode vC3jXx. That’s instead of our regular Community Care call, though it’s on the same day!
- On Friday, you’re invited to learn about social housing from a panel that includes Carroll Fife, newly-elected Oakland City Council member and co-architect of Moms 4 Housing, along with Tara Raghuveer of the Kansas City Tenants Union and Homes Guarantee, among other powerful speakers. It’s at 10am on Friday, Jan. 15 and you can RSVP here.
- Governor Newsom released a first draft of the budget for California last week. Housing California called it an important first step, but said one-time investments in affordable housing are not sufficient.
- What will the fight to end homelessness look like in 2021? The National Alliance to End Homelessness lays out the road ahead.