Dear RUN, It’s a new year, and we’re ready to RUN! We spent all last fall figuring out what we want to fight for in 2021, and it’s time to learn everything we can about the new bills on our agenda. This Wednesday, January 6, Chris Martin, the Policy Director at Housing California, will join our regular Community Care call at 1pm to share what he knows about what’s happening with two of those new priorities. It’ll be a Q and A session, so start thinking about what you’d like to ask now. |
Chris will focus on two of the four priorities that RUN voted on in December at our Summit: taxing the rich to fund affordable and supportive housing, along with COVID eviction protections and rent relief. You can send your questions in advance here so Chris has time to think about them - and we’ll have time for more questions in the moment on Wednesday at 1pm. (Next week, on Jan. 15, our call will move a little earlier so we can connect with Community Change and hear about what’s going on federally on housing, days before President-elect Biden gets sworn in. Join us at this link - that’s a special one! - at noon, not 1pm, on 1/15.) Happy new year, and here’s to a safe and powerful 2021. The pandemic is at its worst in California right now, y’all - please stay home! Take good care, and see you Wednesday, Tori |
- Join us on Wednesday at 1pm for the first Community Care call of 2021 on Zoom, with guest Chris Martin! Join by video here and by phone at 669 900 6833, meeting ID 930 6053 2907.
- After months of avoiding major outbreaks, Skid Row in Los Angeles saw a wave of coronavirus infections in December among unhoused residents, and shelters are trying to respond and save lives.
- One bright spot: Project Homekey successfully built more than 6,000 homes for unhoused Californians in the second half of 2020, converting hotels and motels into permanent supportive housing.