Dear RUN,

After months of brainstorming and discussion, RUN senior leaders narrowed down our priorities for 2021 at the Summit last week. Our conversations were hard - we want to do everything to end homelessness and make sure everyone has a safe, stable home they can actually afford - but we boiled down the 15 ideas from this year’s survey into four that we’ll fight for next year.

No, we won’t announce those four priorities right now! We’ve gotta get our plans together first. If you want to hear about them, join us this Wednesday at 1pm for our Community Care call, where we’ll debrief the Summit and start planning for January. If you didn’t come to the Summit, this will be a real chance to dive in.

Come 2021, we’ll kick off the year with research actions in our regions across the state, then get you all trained up in February, then look out for our virtual Lobby Days in March.

Do you know people who might want to build power with RUN? Email us back - now’s a great time to bring them in.


Take good care,



Connect with RUN

  • Join us on Wednesday at 1pm for our Community Care call on Zoom, where we’ll debrief the Summit and look at the four priorities we decided on for 2021! Join by video here and by phone at 669 900 6833, meeting ID 963 6157 2844.

News you can use

  • Here’s an opinion piece from Housing California’s executive director, Lisa Hershey, about the landscape for affordable housing in 2021.
  • Want to know more about Tenant Opportunity to Purchase laws, which would give communities the chance to own land permanently? Here’s a deep dive.

Contact Us

Housing California
