Dear RUN, You’ve got two big chances to vote this week. One is in a historic national election. Maybe you’ve already mailed your ballot or you have plans to show up in person tomorrow. (Housing California recommends that you vote YES on Props 15, 16, and 21, among others!) We’ll be eagerly awaiting the returns Tuesday night, even though we may not know final results til much later. In the meantime, you’ve got another chance to vote in the RUN There Ought To Be A Law Survey 2020! After many meetings, we’ve narrowed down the list of ideas for next year from 224 to 15. But that’s still too many to fight for next year, so now we’re asking you to vote. Pick the ideas that you are most excited about and that you believe in, and we’ll use all the survey data when we make final decisions at the Summit in December. The survey opens TODAY and will close on Friday, November 20 - so you’ve got almost three weeks to get your votes in. We especially want votes from residents of affordable housing and people struggling to pay rent, so if you’re a staffer, please pass the link on to any residents you know. And whatever the results of the national election, we’ll gather at our same time and place, at 1pm this Wednesday, to talk about what happened, commiserate or celebrate, and share news. It’ll be a good day to see each other’s faces. Take good care, Tori | |