Dear RUN, In the last three weeks, hundreds of you joined us for virtual convenings to brainstorm for 2021. We started off in San Diego with some show-and-tell from our houses, then zipped over to LA where veterans and newbies combined forces. We did a joint convening with the San Joaquin Valley and Sacramento regions, then popped over to Orange County the next morning, where Spanish-speaking local leaders welcomed other Spanish-speaking RUN members from across the state. Then we finished with an enthusiastic Bay Area crowd on Friday! | |
I know you’re chomping at the bit to see what everyone’s ideas were. Here’s a tiny preview: a lot of you care about making sure tenants are protected during COVID, protected space for unhoused people, and real requirements to build affordable housing. But to really see what we came up with, join us on Wednesday’s Community Care call. We’ll take the next two weeks to streamline our lists, then send out a survey with narrowed ideas at the end of the month. Watch this space for that survey when it’s out! After you all take the survey, we’ll meet up to use that information and choose RUN’s final priorities for 2021 at the Summit. You can apply now to attend that Summit, which will take place on December 3 and 4, a Thursday and Friday. We’ll meet up for an hour and a half in the morning and afternoon on Thursday and two hours on Friday morning, if you’re wondering - final times coming soon. If you added your voice to the There Ought To Be A Law process, stay involved all the way through and join us for the next steps! Take good care, Tori | |