Dear RUN, Back in the day - okay, last year - RUN used to throw big regional convenings each fall. We’d meet up all over the state, bringing new resident leaders and veteran leaders together, eat a meal together, get some new skills, and brainstorm for the upcoming year in a process called, “There Ought To Be A Law.” That’s where we’d come up with ideas for what to fight for to make sure every Californian had a safe, stable, affordable home. This year, we’re still meeting up, just on Zoom instead of in person. Instead of spending the day together, we’ll spend just two hours. We’ll talk ballots and elections (Yes on 15!) and split into small groups to get all our ideas on the table. Register today and pass the link on to your friends - everyone is welcome! San Diego: Tuesday, September 29 at 1pm. Register here. Los Angeles: Friday, October 2 at 1pm. Register here. Sacramento and the Central Valley: Thursday, October 15 at 3:30pm. Register here. Orange County (in Spanish - any Spanish speakers may join from outside of Orange County): Friday, October 16 at 8am. Register here. Bay Area: Friday, October 16 at 11am. Registration link to come. Questions? Ideas? Want to take on a leadership role in your convening? Ask your Regional Organizing Coordinator (that’s Mehrsa, Chris, Isuri, Alexander, Dolores, and a big welcome to Loren, our new ROC in Sacramento) or reply to this email! An important note: starting next week, during the weeks we are holding regional convenings, our Community Care calls will be canceled. That means we will meet tomorrow (Sept. 22) but there will be no Community Care call on September 30, October 7, or October 14. We’ll come back together on Wednesday, October 21 as a big group. Take good care, Tori |