Dear RUN,

Our efforts to prevent pandemic evictions are paying off: Last Tuesday, AB 1436 passed through the Senate Judiciary Committee, with every Democrat except Senator Umberg voting for it. Then, on Thursday, it passed through the Senate Appropriations Committee. Now, it will likely come up this week for a vote on the Senate floor.

That means it’s time to make sure all our state senators know that we don’t want any pandemic evictions. It's time to call. If you’ve already called, call again, then ask your family to call. One RUN member in LA asked all her neighbors to sign a letter to their state senator, then mailed it in to show their support. Get creative if you like, or keep it simple!Not sure which senator is yours? Type your address in here.

We’ll know by next Monday, the end of the legislative session, if the bill has passed. We’ll do whatever we can until then.

And next week? We’ll say hello to Congresswoman Maxine Waters and Governor Gavin Newsom at the Housing California virtual un-conference, August 31 through Sept. 4. Catch the RUN panel on Thursday 9/3 from 1:00 - 2:15 pm and cheer on RUN leader Maria Hernandez as we talk about how to organize residents during a pandemic. The registration deadline is Friday - and it’s free for RUN members! - so register ASAP at this link

Please note, we will NOT have our regular Community Care call on Wednesday, Sept. 2 or Wednesday, Sept. 9 because of the conference. We will meet up this week at 1pm at our regular time, though, so find us at this link!


Take good care,



Connect with RUN

  • This Wednesday, join us for our final Community Care call of the summer (no meetings Sept. 2 or Sept. 9). Here’s the video chat link. Just have a phone? You can call 669 900 6833, meeting ID 963 6157 2844. // Este miércoles, les invitamos a nuestra llamada comunitaria final del verano (no habrán reuniones el 2 o 9 de septiembre). Aqui esta el enlace de video, y se puede conectar por teléfono marcando 669 900 6833, codigo 963 6157 2844.

News you can use

  • With wildfires raging across our state, in addition to the pandemic, the best thing you can do is shelter in place. Stay home, stay safe, and fight for those who don’t have a home to stay safe in!
  • Lots of people expected mass evictions at the beginning of the pandemic, but those $600 federal unemployment benefits kept most tenants housed. Now that those benefits are over - and since the Senate has not passed another relief bill - tenants and landlords are expecting the worst.

Housing California
1107 9th Street, Suite 560  | SacramentoCalifornia 95814
916-447-0503 |
