Dear RUN,

Who would have expected it? We’re into the middle of July and the pandemic is far from over. More than 7,000 Californians have now died from COVID-19, and 8.3 percent of California tests came back positive over the weekend, more than in April. Mask up, everyone.

Early on in the pandemic, we talked to a lot of RUN members about their fears and hopes around housing, and eviction came up often. Then, in April, we started a working group to talk about it.

This week, that working group invites you to a roundtable about how people who live in affordable housing and affordable housing developers can work together to prevent pandemic evictions. RUN leaders, developers from Community Housing Works, Self Help Enterprises, and Mutual Housing about what we need to make sure everyone who lives in affordable housing can stay there. It’ll be from 11am to noon this Thursday, July 16; to join the webinar click on this Zoom link.

We know that Californians need a safe place to call home, pandemic or not, and that affordable housing developers need to keep the lights on. We can have both, and we can think big. Join us on Thursday to talk about how.

Take good care,



Two big RUN events this Thursday 7/16

Join us on 7/16 for a discussion about how to prevent evictions in affordable housing during the pandemic and how to keep funding coming to keep developers functioning. Use this link to connect to the webinar on Thursday.

Las Vidas Negras Importan- Entendiendo el Momento

Habrá un entrenamiento especial el 16 de julio sobre el movimiento "Las Vidas Negras Importan" y lo que significa, especialmente en nuestras comunidades latinoamericanas. También tocaremos temas como la anti-negritud en nuestras culturas y aprenderemos sobre el racismo. Invite a sus amigos y familiares – comenzaremos a las 2 de la tarde y terminaremos a las 3:30. Se puede registrar aquí para recibir un recordatorio. El día de la llamada podrá conectarse por video aquí o por teléfono marcando 669 900 6833 Meeting ID 936 1014 1191

We’ll hold a special training in Spanish on July 16 about the Black Lives Matter movement and what it means, especially in our Latin American communities. Invite your friends and relatives - we meet at 3pm. You can join by video here or call in by phone at 669 900 6833, Meeting ID 936 1014 1191.


Connect with RUN

Are you an affordable housing resident who lives with a disability? You can apply for a special training from The Kelsey to learn to advance housing. Learn more here - applications are due by July 26.

On Thursday, July 30, at 10am, our partners at Community Change are offering a one-hour training on how to use your phone to make videos. Interested? Sign up here!

Do you live in Alameda County? The county is looking for people with lived experience of homelessness to join its committees that oversee the pathway to housing for people who are homeless. If that’s you, or you care deeply about ending homelessness, you can apply here.

RUN Community Care calls are every Wednesday at 1pm. Come connect with other RUN members across the state, then find out what’s happening on housing and the best ways to take action. Here’s the video chat link. Just have a phone? You can call 669 900 6833, meeting ID 963 6157 2844.

Join a working group to focus on an area you’re interested in:

Help make sure 2008 doesn’t happen again: We meet Tuesdays at 2pm. Use this Zoom link or call 669 900 6833, meeting ID 989 0647 9713.

Day 91: Join us on 7/16 for a discussion about how to prevent evictions in affordable housing during the pandemic and how to keep funding coming to keep developers functioning. Use this link to connect to the webinar on Thursday.

Our homelessness working group meets Thursday at noon, right after the roundtable. Join us on Zoom or call in at 669 900 6833, Meeting ID: 936 0221 5953.


News you can use

  • Do you live in LA? Starting today, the city of Los Angeles is accepting applications for emergency rent relief. The application period ends Friday, so apply as soon as you can. More information from our LA partners at SCANPH here.
  • This is not news, but it’s joyful, if you need a little higher love. Keep on keepin on, RUN!

Housing California
1107 9th Street, Suite 560  | SacramentoCalifornia 95814
916-447-0503 |
