Dear RUN,

I read an interview this weekend with Tourmaline, a Black trans filmmaker, and she talked about freedom dreaming, or using our imaginations to envision the big changes and the everyday changes we want in our lives.

She wrote, “Freedom dreams are born when we face harsh conditions not with despair, but with the deep knowledge that these conditions will change— that a world filled with softness and beauty and care is not only possible, but inevitable.”

Our freedom dreams might seem very far away right now. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t put the energy into conjuring them. What do we want the world to look like? Where are we getting closer? Is what we’re doing enough?

As we swing back into the world of the Capitol after a long weekend, it’s worth asking yourself: What will I do this week to get us closer to a California without homelessness? If you need some direction, join us on Wednesday for the Community Care call at 1pm. We welcome your freedom dreams.

Take good care,



Connect with RUN

POSTPONED: The Eviction Protections workgroup is moving the roundtable discussion with affordable housing developers to next week, July 16 from 11am to 12pm. That means last week’s link will not work, but this one will. Join us on 7/16 for a discussion about to prevent evictions in affordable housing during the pandemic and how to keep funding coming to keep developers functioning.

RUN Community Care calls are every Wednesday at 1pm. Come connect with other RUN members across the state, then find out what’s happening on housing and the best ways to take action. Here’s the video chat link. Just have a phone? You can call 669 900 6833, meeting ID 963 6157 2844.

RUN en español: Habrá una entrenamiento especial el 16 de julio sobre el movimiento "Las Vidas Negras Importan" y lo que significa, especialmente en nuestras comunidades latinoamericanas. También tocaremos temas como la anti-negritud en nuestras culturas y aprenderemos sobre el racismo. Invite a sus amigos y familiares – comenzaremos a las 2 de la tarde y terminaremos a las 3:30. Se puede conectar por video aquí o puede conectarse por teléfono marcando 669 900 6833 Meeting ID 967 9068 5446 // We’ll hold a special training in Spanish on July 16 about the Black Lives Matter movement and what it means, especially in our Latin American communities. Invite your friends and relatives - we meet at 3pm. You can join by video here or call in by phone at 669 900 6833, Meeting ID 967 9068 5446.

Join a working group to focus on an area you’re interested in:

Help make sure 2008 doesn’t happen again: We meet Tuesdays at 2pm. Use this Zoom link or call 669 900 6833, meeting ID 989 0647 9713.

Day 91: preventing evictions in affordable housing. We meet Thursdays at 11am and your staff contact is Jazmin. Use this Zoom link or call 669 900 6833 Meeting ID: 987 2835 9776.

Our homelessness working group will not meet this week!


News you can use

  • In this High Country News article from last week, learn about how a state right-of-first-offer bill could push back gentrification, with a lens on San Francisco. (AB 1703, which RUN is supporting and which does exactly this, was introduced last week!)
  • In the department of things you probably guessed but now we know for sure, people who live in overcrowded homes because of the high cost of rent are more likely to catch coronavirus. Read more about how the 6.3 million Californians living crammed together are at higher risk.

Housing California
1107 9th Street, Suite 560  | SacramentoCalifornia 95814
916-447-0503 |
