Today’s Roadmap HOME op-ed in CalMatters

Dear Housing CA Supporter,

Thanks for your support last month on our Roadmap HOME policy package preview. Today, we’re reaching out to make sure you saw our op-ed co-authored with Matt Schwartz from California Housing Partnership on Roadmap HOME 2030 and its role in setting our state on the right track toward racially equitable housing for all. This means we have more momentum on the way to our official Roadmap HOME launch on March 25. 

Though we’ve seen some housing wins over recent years, it’s been scattershot, and the lack of a game plan is costing us time and money. California’s Roadmap HOME is the affordable housing and homelessness plan that lays out the sustainable, coordinated efforts and bold solutions Californians need to invest in our values, reimagine growth, address the effects of historical racism, and reaffirm our commitment to housing for all. 

Our goal today is to spread the word. Can you share our op-ed with your network? You can check out the full article here, share the post or retweet, and sign up for Roadmap HOME updates here

In solidarity, strength, and gratitude,

Lisa Hershey
Executive Director

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Housing Callifornia
1107 9th Street, Suite 560 | Sacramento, California 95814
916-447-0503 |

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